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From My Playbook

Updated: Jul 1

First of all,  Before making any decisions, start by evaluating your motivation and does it aligns with making an informed and intelligent financial decision. 

1. Set a competitive yet realistic price. Research the market, consult with professionals, and set a competitive price to draw in serious buyers without underselling your property's value. 

  1. Make Your Home Smarter: Who doesn’t love convenience: Streamline routine tasks, and optimize energy. In the realm of smart homes, the focus has shifted from the capabilities of individual devices to the collective experience they provide

  1. Stage It: 82% of buyer’s agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home. Staged homes on the market sold for 25% more than homes without staging. 

  1. Showcase Your Space: Highlight the best features of your home. Whether it's a top-notch kitchen or a stunning view, make sure it steals the spotlight during showings

  2.  Curb Appeal: The exterior of your home it the public’s first impression. Too often, sellers miss the mark on this crucial piece of the puzzle. A captivating exterior sets the stage for a positive impression. 

If you want more gems or you’re curious about selling or investing in real estate, reach out to me!

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